Sometimes you need to track an event, but there is no way to set a trigger. This can be due to an inappropriate architecture of the application or simply because you can not install the fusedeck script at all.
The good news is: You can still fire your events, even from an external domain. This is done via a pixel or redirect call.
<img src="" />
If you need to transfer more data to the endpoint you can use the PAYLOAD parameter. This accepts an encoded JSON.
Example transport payload to fusedeck
propertyId: PROPERTY_ID,
eventId: EVENT_ID,
adId: AD_ID,
siteId: SITE_ID,
firstname: "Fuse",
name: "Deck"
<img src="" />
💡 Make sure the PROPERTY_ID & EVENT_ID is set correctly. Optional AD_ID and SITE_ID
⚠️ This does not transfer the Campaign Information. Use the Helper Version for campaign context{%22propertyId%22:%22mgKxAyimB8%22,%22eventId%22:%22496340%22,%22values%22:{%22meinName%22:%22Micha2000%22}}
This will not work:{%20meinName:%27Theo%27%20}
If redirect instead of a pixel is needed, this endpoint can be used. The endpoint will fire the event and redirect to the defined redirect 'r'
If you need to transfer more data to the endpoint you can use the PAYLOAD parameter. This accepts an encoded JSON.
propertyId: PROPERTY_ID,
eventId: EVENT_ID,
adId: AD_ID,
siteId: SITE_ID,
firstname: "Fuse",
name: "Deck"
💡 Make sure the PROPERTY_ID & EVENT_ID is set correctly. Optional AD_ID and SITE_ID