Use the fusedeck Helper to understand how and what events are on setup on your site. The fusedeck Helper will be injected directly into your page and consists of different tools.
This tool is still in development. The Helper can be opened in fusedeck via the "Open overlay mode" button or via the below script. Use the script as a bookmark to quickly engage the fusedeck Helper.
javascript: (function (){(function (f, u, s, e_, d, e, c, k, n_) {try{var cos=document.cookie.split(';'); for (var i = 0; i < cos.length; i++) { var co = cos[i].trim().split('='); if (co[0] == 'fdTrackingType' + e) { c = co[1]; } if (co[0] == 'fdEnvId') { k = co[1]; } } f[d] = f[d] || []; window.addEventListener("load", function () { fdWinLoaded = !0 }); var p = u.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; var sc = u.createElement(s); sc.async = true; sc.src = e_ + '?p=%27 + e + %27&l=%27 + (d != null ? d : %27%27) + (c != null ? %27&c=%27 + c : %27%27) + (k != null ? %27&e=%27 + k : %27%27) + %27&h=%27 + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + (n_ != null ? %27&a=%27 + encodeURIComponent(n_) : %27%27); p.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, p); }catch(e){}})(window, document, %27script%27, %27, null, %27TwFGIcOqqU%27, null, null, null);})();