Use the fusedeck visualizer to understand how and what events are on setup on your site. The fusedeck Visualizer will be injected directly into your page and consists of different tools.
Drag and drop the bookmarklet to your bookmarks bar or folder. Proceed with the next steps if that doesn't work for you.
To open the Visualizer, create a new empty bookmark. Edit the bookmark and paste the code below into the URL field. Alternatively, you can select the code below and drag it to your favorites bar.
javascript: (function (f, u, s, e_, d, e, c, k, n_) {
var cos = document.cookie.split(';');
for (var i = 0; i < cos.length; i++) {var co = cos[i].trim().split('=');if (co[0] == 'fdTrackingType'+e) {c = co[1];}if (co[0] == 'fdEnvId') {k = co[1];}}
f[d] = f[d] || [];window.addEventListener("load",function(){fdWinLoaded=!0});
var p = u.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; var sc = u.createElement(s); sc.async = true;
sc.src = e_ + '?p=' + e + '&l=' + (d != null ? d : '') + (c != null ? '&c=' + c : '') + (k != null ? '&e=' + k : '') + '&h=' + encodeURIComponent(location.href) + (n_ != null ? '&a=' + encodeURIComponent(n_) : '');
p.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, p);
})(window, document, 'script', '', null, 'TwFGIcOqqU', null, null, null);