To check if fusedeck has been installed and executed you can set up a simple bookmark. Then visit the page and click on your bookmark. You will get the result immediately.
Drag and drop the bookmarklet (blue button) to your bookmarks bar or folder. Proceed with the next steps if that doesn't work for you.
Create a new Bookmark by visiting for example and save it as your bookmark.
Edit the bookmark by right clicking it and choose "edit" or in German "bearbeiten"
Change the URL to the code below:
javascript:try{var fdProperties=Object.keys(,fdDL=Object.keys(FuseDeck.dataLayers),text="Result: ";for(let e=0;e<fdProperties.length;e++)text+="\rfusedeck found: "+fdProperties[e];if(window.FuseDeckHelper&&(text+="\rfusedeckHelper found"),fdDL)for(let e=0;e<fdDL.length;e++)text+="\rfusedeck DataLayer: "+fdDL[e];if(window.FuseDeckHelper&&window.FuseDeckHelper.FuseDeck.hasCookieBlocker()&&(text+="\rfusedeck Consent Manager available"));alert(text)}catch(e){alert("fusedeck not found")}